Selected Works

First Digital Photo Contest, Vancouver, Canada, 2014

Darianaz Mohammad Gharibani

Second Selected Work

Title: Beyond The Darkness

Jurors Scores Critiques
Carol Coleman Lovely shot of an attractive baby, who appears to be held in a sling by a parent. They eyes have lovely catch lights in them and the white fur around the face directs the viewer right into the eyes of the child.

The sling or blanket in the foreground is very large and dark with little texture and less of it (cropped to the left and bottom) would have been less distracting and might have made the child more of a focus point.
Farhad Azizi Looking to future. Simple but effective composition.
Teodor R. Pantea Nice image, but take it again and correct by using the “clone stamp” all the white points on the black surface.
Total Score: 23

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