Ramin HaeriZadeh

Born in Tehran, 1975
He learned photography at the school of Masoud Masoumi.

Individual Exhibitions
2003, Silk Road Gallery, Tehran

Group Exhibitions:
1999, Agfa Photography Competition, Germany
1999, Mojdeh Gallery, Tehran
1999, Non-Frontiers Artists, Laleh Hotel, Tehran
2003, "Water as A First Element", National Art Gallery, Malaysia
2004, "Turning Point: Seven Iranian Artists", University of Columbia, New York
2004, "Iran Under the Skin", Casa Asia, Barcelona
2004, Photography Biennale, Tehran
2004, "Iranian Gardens", Contemporary Arts Museum, Tehran

Group Art Work:
2003, Environmental Art Exhibition, Polour, Tehran
2003, "On the Road", Tehran
2003, "Lucky Charms", Golestan Gallery, Tehran
2003, "For Bam City", Installation on the tragic disaster of the earthquake of the Bam city in a warehouse, Tehran

    Caroun Photo Club (CPC)