Andre Kertesz

1894, Born in July 2, Budapest, Hungary
1912, Baccalaureate from Academy of Commerce, Budapest
        Takes job as office worker in Budapest Stock Exchange
        Buys first camera (box camera using 4.5x6 cm plates) and begins shooting candid street scenes, genre subjects
1914-1918, Serves in Hungarian Army, photographs war and commune period of 1918 as amateur
1916, Receives prize for pictures by soldiers from "Borsszem Janko" magazine
1917, First published photos in "Erdekes Ujsag" magazine (March 25); first cover, June 26, 1925
1925, Moves to Paris
1925-1928, does freelance reportage for "Le Matin", "L'Intransigeant", "London Times", "Le Nazione Fiorenze", "Kolnische Illustrierte"...
1927, March 12, first single exhibition, "Sacre du Printemps Gallery"
1928, Buys first Leica
        He is selected for exhibition in First Independent Salon of Photography
        Vu begins publication, edited by Lucien Vogel; Kertesz is major contributor
1929, Photos purchased for collections of "Staatliche Museen Kunstbibliothek", Berlin; "Konig Alber Museum", Zwickau
1930, "Art et Medicine" begins publication; Kertesz major contributor, till 1936
1932, 35 prints included in Exhibition of Modern European Photography, Julien Levy Gallery, New York
1933, Marries Elizabeth Sali
        His book "Enfant" IS PUBLISHED.
1934, "Paris Vu Par Andre Kertesz" is published
1936, "Nos Amies les Betes" is published
        Arrives in New York in October, under contract to "Keystone Studios"
1937, Terminates contract with "Keystone Studios"
1937-1949, freelances for "Harper's Bazaar", "Vogue", "Town and Country",...
1944, Becomes American Citizen
1945, "Day of Paris" is published
1946, Single exhibition, Art Institute of Chicago
1949, Signs exclusive contract with "Conde Nast Publications"
1962, Terminates exclusive contract with "Conde Nast Publications"
        Single exhibition, Long Island University
1963, Single exhibition, Modernage Studio, New York
        Single exhibition, 4th Mostra Biennale Internazionale della Fotografia, Venice; awarded Gold Medal
        Single exhibition, Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris

Caroun Photo Club (CPC)