Jay Lee

Jay Lee was born in South Korea and graduated from Yonesi University in South Korea with BPE and consequently, MBA. In between acquiring his degree, he completed his military service and began scuba diving in 1989. After seven years, he found a new interest in underwater photography and even pursued a CMAS instructor certification.

After immigrating to Canada, he joined the UBCPS and travelled to many places, including Philippines, Mexico, California, Florida, Vancouver, Malaysia, Palau, GBR, Guam, Saipan, Alaska, Hawaii, Chuuk, the Galapagos Islands and Cocos Islands.

Since then, he has been writing articles for "Undersea Travel Magazine" in Korea. He has won a gold medal and three bronze medals for Korea Underwater Photography Competition.

He continues to swim with brilliant creatures underwater, but his ultimate passion remains in capturing the essence of rarely encountered species.

His first exhibition was held at "Kaymeek Centre Lobby", West Vancouver, BC, Canada, December 2009 to January 2010.

    Caroun Photo Club (CPC)