Sohrab Rahimi

Born in 1962 in Central Iran
Sohrab Rahimi has lived in Sweden since 1986. He has been publishing his poems in Swedish magazines and journals since 1989 and has contributed to Iranian Diaspora literary journals including The Persian Book Review, Daftar-e Shenakht, Roya, Sanjesh, Aftab, Asheqaneh, Khat, Vizhe Sher, In and Maks. He was the editor of Persian periodical, Asar, published between 1996 and 1998.

Rahimi also writes in Swedish and has published poetry, critic and essays in Swedish journals. He is a member of the Swedish Writers’ union, Swedish Critics Centre, and the Centre of Literary Translators of Sweden. His poetry books include, The House of Dreams, published in Persian in Gothenburg in 1994, and, The Spoiled Kernels of Time, published in Persian and Swedish in Stockholm in 1995. He has also been invited as guest speaker in colleges and universities. Rahimi is a graduate in public health and psychotherapy from the University of Gothenburg.

Lonely Rooms (translated by Leila Farjami)

And embarking
was a bitter journey
in continuance along time.

behind the angle of dusk,
I sat watching my own death
And I journeyed
through the lonely rooms
up to the dampened windows
through the margin of imagination
up to the shadows of death.
I journeyed
in the context of silence.
I became uninterrupted in the frame corners.
I went in the wind
I became impatient
To the wind
I lost all. *

*A figurative translation of a Persian expression “being carried on the wind” which means losing everything one owns.

    Caroun Photo Club (CPC)