January 21, Marx and Engels writes a preface to Russian edition of "Manifesto of Communist Party", prepared by Georgi Plekhanov. They conclude that "Russia forms the vanguard of revolutionary action in Europe".

December, Engels completes German version of his "Socialism: Otopian and Scientific". As an appendix to it, he suggests his article, "The Mark", which is a concise history of landownership in Germany from the ancient community, The Mark, to the 1870s.

January 11, Marx' eldest daughter, Jenny Marx-Longuet, deceased; Engels writes an obituary.

March 14, Karl Marx deceased.

March 17, In the funeral ceremony of Karl Marx, in Highgate Cemetry, London, Engels speaks of the world-historical significance of Marx' scientific and revolutionary activities.

End of August, Engels begins editing English translation of volume 1 of Marx' "Capital"; he works on it nearly three years.

November, Engels completes preparation for the third German edition of volume 1 of "Capital"; he writes a preface to it.
Engels prepares new edition and translation of a number of Marx' and his own works. He writes introductions to most of them.

Engels prepares volume 2 of Marx' "Capital" for publication. The book appears early in July 1885, with Engels preface.

1883, The first Russian Marxist organization, The Emancipation of Labor Group, is founded in Geneva, Switzerland.

1884 to 1895:
Engels follows the progress of the socialist movement in England, keeps in constant touch with Marx' daughter Eleanor, Edward Aveling, Ernest Belfort Bax and other socialists. He informs socialists in other countries of the state of English socialist movement.

1884 to 1890, Engels follows the struggle of German working class in the setting created by Anti-Socialist Law, and commends it successes in letters to Johann Philipp Becker and Friedrich Adolf Sorge.

March to May 26, Engels writes "Origin of the Family, Private Property and State", which sees the light of day in Zurich at the beginning of October.

Last photograph of
Karl Marx, 1882

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