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14th Annual Photo Contest, Vancouver, Canada, 2020

Farhad Varasteh

Title: Quietness

Jurors Scores Critiques
Richard Shapka 8 This image has great potential which the maker will intuitively know. Good choice of shutter speed to have all birds stopped in silhouette. Depth of filed pretty good which separates sky and mountain.

To significantly improve the image the maker needs to crop the image almost square by eliminating the tree branches on left (not the ones closer to the centre). Bring up the contrast between mountain and sky… be careful that snow remains white. Bring out some detail in the sky by using a New Layer to darken with brush flow set to 5% in CS.
Kerri-Jo Stewart 5 Technically good / Nice scenic image but lacking interest
Perhaps wait longer for something stronger to happen in that frame
Henry Schnell 7 The main subject are the birds. Use of dehaze could reduce emphasis on mountain with increased separation of birds against mountain background.
Total Score: 20

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