It is also called "Naghsh Rajab".
Naqsh Qahreman (means Hero's Image) Ancient Site

This historical site is located 3 Km north of Persepolis, on the east side of Shiraz-Isfahan road, opposite the Naqsh Rostam's branch road.
Within a gully on a cliff face there are four rock cut relieves some of the most important cultural remains of the early Sassanian period.

The Coronation of Ardeshir Babakan
The majestic bas-relief depicts the coronation of Ardeshir Babakan, the founder of Sassanian dynasty. He is shown standing in reverent posture, receiving the ring of kingship from Ahura-mazda (god), who is also a bunch of scared herb, Bersem, in his hand.

Between the two, there are 2 child figures. On the left, there is Hormoz I, holding the royal diadem and on the right, there is incarnation of Ahura-mazda.

Standing behind the king is the figure of a Sassanian nobleman, with a special emblem on his headdress, holding a fly-whisk above his lord's head. This figure is present in all of the Ardeshir's carvings. The figure holding his arm up in reverence is Ardeshir's son, the crown prince, who succeeded him as Shapour I.

Standing behind Ahura-mazda, separated from him and the main part of two relief, by a column, there are figures of two ladies of the royal court, paying homage individually.

There is a heavily damaged Pahlavi inscription beside this relief: "The Zoroastrian faith had died out. I, The King Of Kings, re-established it."

The Great Mobed Karthir
This is a beautifully sculpted figure of Karthir (Magus or Zoroastrian religious man) of Sassanian Empire. He is shown holding his arm up as an act of reverence. There is a Pahlavi inscription on this relief. The first 25 lines are legible, but the bottom lines have eroded. In it, Karthir introduces himself and enumerates the services he has rendered for the enhancement of Zoroastrian faith. This relief was carved to the rear of Ardeshir and at a later time.

The Cornation of Shapour I
There are two adjacent relieves from the time of Shapour I, the great Sassanid emperor. The one on the right shows Shapour receiving the ring of kingship from Ahura-mazda. Both figures are on horseback, with the horses facing each other and rearing at the same time, lending special beauty to the group.

Shapour I with his Courtiers
The relief on the left shows Shapour I on horseback, with 9 nobleman, standing behind him. Three of these have the emblems of the great Espahbod (marcher lord) clans on their headgear. The first figure, standing behind the King's horse is Hormoz I, with the emblem of the heir to the throne on his headdress. There is also an inscription in 3 languages on the flank of Shapour's horse:

"This is a figure of the Mazda-worshipping Baq (demigod) Lord Shapour, King of Kings of Iran and Aniran, who received his face from God, son of the Mazda-worshipping Baq, Lord Aredeshir, King of Kings, who received his face from God and Grandson of Lord Papak, the King."

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